Conservation Expeditions

This program gives forest patrons and guests from all over the world the opportunity


This program gives forest patrons and guests from all over the world the opportunity to experience the primary ecosystems of the rain forest and to be part of front-line conservation efforts.

This conservation reserve is maintained thanks to the ongoing patrolling and monitoring activities of our forest guardians, the online microfinancing provided by our Forest Defender Patrons, and other participation programs with allies in sustainable development in the river basin.

Our refuge on the banks of the Las Piedras River is a center that serves as a base for achieving conservation objectives through research, studying sustainable living, technological innovation, and creativity.


With an early departure from Puerto Maldonado and a drive along the Interoceanic Highway to Sabaluyoc. From there, we will take an unpaved road through the forest to the Las Piedras River. At the port of Sabaluyoc we will board our boat and begin our four-and-a-half-hour journey on the river.

Along the way, we will offer you an aperitif and you will have the opportunity to enjoy river flora and fauna. We’ll watch the birds living along the river, such as orioles and their hanging nests, herons, and others that may fly by such as macaws, toucans, etc. Occasionally we may also see mammals, such as capybaras, and reptiles, such as white caimans and yellow-spotted Amazon river turtles, resting on the banks.



Hiking Forest Trails

On the trail of giants

4.4 km
3 a 4 horas aprox.

On this hike you will see the many medicinal trees and large trees in danger from illegal logging, such as the Brazilian teak and breadnut. You will learn the history, relationships, and ecology of each species.

Old watcher

2.5 km
1 a 2 horas aprox.

This route focuses on a visit to the grandfather of the forest, an enormous thousand-year-old Brazilian teak. You will also see and learn about a variety of understory plants, like heliconias, tangarana trees, and the palm species sangapilla, and their uses.

Wild tracks

4.4 km
3 a 4 horas aprox.

This loop follows forest fauna. You can observe the marks of large mammals such as tapir and deer. We will visit another grandfather of the forest, a complex system of various species that form an enormous “tree.” We will also visit a palm forest where countless Amazon animals live. This route will take us by two mammal feeding stations and we will learn about placing and downloading information from the camera traps.

From farm to treetops

1.5 km
1 a 2 horas aprox.

We will visit ARBIO’s demonstration farm, where 30 edible and medicinal species have been planted, and then go on to see large trees such as the sandbox tree and bulletwood and learn about the role they play as emergent trees in the Amazon. We will visit two mammal feeding stations and learn to use the camera traps.


Planting and Harvesting Fruit

1.5 horas aprox.

Within the area we protect, we have set aside a space near the cabins as a small plot for growing food for our team and visitors. In this way, we hope to be self-sustaining in the forest and reduce our dependence on food brought from the city.


Night walks

1 a 3 horas aprox.

The goal is to observe nocturnal fauna by the light of lanterns. We might see arthropods such as tarantulas, beetles, and various insects, and if we are lucky, we will catch a glimpse of a nocturnal mammal such as a paca, wild cat, tapir, or deer.


Connecting with the Giants of the Forest

1 a 3 horas aprox.

A constant threat in the Las Piedras river basin is illegal loggers in search of hardwoods, especially Brazilian teak (Dipteryx micrantha). The life cycle and ecological role of this species makes their use for lumber unsustainable, because it takes them hundreds of years to grow. The trees being cut now are between 400 and 1200 years old and are irreplaceable. Arbio protects and monitors these hundred-year-old trees, in great demand from the lumber industry.

Representative list of tree species in the Arbio forest:

  • Brazilian teak (Dipteryx micrantha)
  • Garapa (Apuleia leiocarpa)
  • Peach palm (Bactris gasipaes)
  • Breadnut (Brosimum alicastrum)
  • Lupuna colorada (Cavanillesia hylogeiton)
  • Spanish cedar (Cedrela odorata)
  • Kapok (Ceiba pentandra)
  • Copaiba (Copaifera paupera)
  • Wild fig (Ficus inspida)
  • Renaco or Mata palo (Ficus trigona)
  • Sandbox tree (Hura crepitans)
  • Huayruro (Ormosia coccinea)
  • Bulletwood (Manilkara bidentata)

Expediciones de Conservación

¿Qué opinan los que ya han visitado el bosque de ARBIO?

Vine a ARBIO y encontré increíbles amigos con quienes compartir ideas, conversaciones, mi pasión por los reptiles y anfibios, pero sobretodo, nuestro amor por la naturaleza y la Amazonia.

German Chávez


Estoy muy contenta con ARBIO, no solo por permitirme conocer parte de su bosque y sus riquezas, si no por las increíbles personas que luchan por el ideal de hacer mejor las cosas y dejarlas mejor.

Natasha Cabrera


ARBIO está realizando una tarea importante al tratar de juntar de manera sostenible los intereses tanto de la gente que vive de la selva como de aquellos que buscan protegerla.

Luis Navarro


...volveré con mucho gusto para conectar con la naturaleza, aprender, desconectar de lo mundano, proteger, apoyar el proyecto... esta inolvidable experiencia ha enriquecido mi vida.

Elsa Biondi


El trabajo de campo obtuvo buenos resultados: 259 especies de aves en 9 días. Buenas aves como las águilas y otras especies. ARBIO tiene gran potencial para investigación, conservación y turismo.

Fernando Angulo


He podido observar el esfuerzo e interés de los integrantes de ARBIO por conservar los bosques y un ejemplo es el apoyo que muestran por generar conocimiento a través de la investigación de la fauna.

Andy Barboza


ARBIO está desarrollando un trabajo notable. Cabe a todos proteger nuestra Amazonia. Tuve el placer de colaborar con ellos y fue genial. Espero continuar con esta colaboración.

Elena Lenzi


Me siento muy orgullosa de haber trabajado junto con el equipo de Arbio en un tema extremadamente importante, como es la preservación de la Amazonia.

Camila Carvalho


a Arbio

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