Learn more about us

More than a professional group, we are a family committed to conserving the rainforest

We are a Peruvian non-profit association founded in 2010 in Puerto Maldonado, Madre de Dios. We manage and protect 916 hectares of Amazon rainforest (2264 acres) in the watershed of the Las Piedras river, Madre de Dios.

The organization is led by women and its purpose is to implement forest conservation actions involving civil society and the private sector.

Our Team

Tatiana Espinosa

Operations Director

Forestry Sciences Engineer with a master’s in management and Conservation of Tropical Forests in the CATIE (Costa Rica). Has experience in the management and conservation of rainforests in the Amazon, as well as in climate change adaptation in Perú and Mesoamerica. Accredited by the International Analog Forestry Network as a trainer in Analog Forestry for the restoration of forests

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Rocio Espinosa

Finances and Administration Director

Studied Food Industries Engineering in the UNALM and has a MBA in ESAN. Has experience in administration, finances, and investments in diverse areas. Coordinates the finance and administrative management of ARBIO’s operations from the city of Lima.

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Gianella Espinosa

Communications Director

Studied Architecture in the PUCP, has experience in educational and home architectonic design. Professional photographer graduated from the Center of the Image, Lima. Great interest in linking art with the conservation of endangered ecosystems. Manages web tools and communication strategies.

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Alejandro Cosar

Forestry Coordinator

Forestry Resources Administrator, with job experience in forestry technician in the production of forestry plants and nursery gardens. Born in Villa Rica, has military training and is an expert in combat swimming, orientation training, small boat handling, and chainsaw.

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Nicoletta Zucconi

Content Editor

Studied Audiovisual Production and Animation. Has creative capacity for editing scripts and texts, as well as dominion over digital technology for editing of audiovisual material. Has been in the communications team since 2022.

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Margarita Caller

Logistics Coordinator

Educator by profession, born in Cusco, with a great entrepreneurial vocation in the Madre de Dios region. Has experience of over 30 years in agroforestry, reforestation, and recovery of areas n 32 hectares in the Las Piedras district. Has been in the operations team since 2022.

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Mario Yumbato

Senior ParkRanger

Field technician, park ranger with experience sailing and navigating Amazon rivers in north and south rainforests, identification of wildlife, and knowledge of buildings with rainforest materials.

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Carlos Yumbato

Carlos Yumbato

Junior ParkRanger

Junior park ranger with experience sailing and navigating Amazon rivers, and activities in the Iquitos forest, as well as Madre de Dios.

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Ronald Taboada

Manteinance Coordinator

Forestry Engineering student, born in Pucallpa. Has experience with forestry resources and tree inventories in the Amazon rainforest. Has been in ARBIO’s operations team since 2020.

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Advisor´s Team

Carlos Lau

Interiorista de profesión comprometido en la difusión del uso de materiales sostenibles para la construcción. Cuenta con experiencia en la gestión de campañas de comunicación para la conservación de fauna marina costera y amazónica.

Arvea Marieni

Strategic consultant specialized in technologies for sustainability, climate change and new business models for the circular economy. In recent years, she has focused on innovation, technology transfer and change processes in various sectors, including environmental management and waste treatment, among others.

Bandera Costa_Rica

Milo Bekins

Expert consultant in Analog Forestry, he was President of the International Network of Analog Forestry. He has facilitated workshops in Dominican Republic, Peru, Philippines, Cuba, Spain, Cameroon, Canada and Australia. Director of the Training Center for Analog Forests – Quepos, Costa Rica.

Bandera de Bolivia en Arbio

Ing. Miguel A. Crespo

Director of PROBIOMA, an organization focused on Agroecology, Biodiversity Management, Biotechnology and Advocacy. He has extensive experience in the field, being in charge of the reproduction of biological controllers that cover 400,000 hectares in more than 60 crops in Bolivia.

Michael Tweddle

Fotógrafo profesional. Su preocupación por el medio ambiente lo ha llevado a explorar todo el Perú y el mundo, fusionando dos pasiones: la conservación y la fotografía de viajes. Implementando safaris fotográficos, turismo de naturaleza y talleres de fotografía compartiendo experiencias de vida, biodiversidad y culturas vivas como una herramienta positiva en la conservación y la educación ambiental.

MSc. Sayaka Ota

Guide and Interpreting Instructor certified by the National Association for Interpretation – NAI United States. She is Forest engineer by profession with a master’s degree in Ecotourism, she has vast experience in Nature Interpretation, training for guides and local people in interpretation and environmental education in Peru and Japan.

MSc. Fernando Angulo

Expert consultant in ornithology and bird tourism. He makes expeditions and trips to evaluate and observe birds throughout the country. He is Forest engineer with a master’s degree in Conservation of Natural Resources.  CORBIDI principal investigator, member of four IUCN specialist groups, he has numerous books, scientific articles, and articles on birds and conservation in Peru.

Our Mission

Rainforest Defenders

We have two sites to fund activities for preserving the Arbio rainforest located in the Las Piedras river watershed, Tambopata province, Madre de Dios. Connect with the Amazon by choosing a hectare of Amazonian rainforest or a tree to protect them from illegal logging.

Research of the Amazon ecosystem

We study wildlife (amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals) in collaboration with the Centro de Ornitología y Biodiversidad (CORBIDI) within ArBio’s forest, as well as the inventory of Amazon Big Trees in danger of illegal logging, for their monitoring and conservation. There is great potential for carrying out studies on the reproductive activities of Hylidae frog families, birdwatching, ethology or behavior of large mammals, arthropod diversity, and topics related to population ecology.

Conservation Experience

Protect and visit the Amazon rainforest! You can be a part of the preserving activities of Arbio. The visitor’s experience focuses on investigation of the flora and fauna, enjoying nature and connecting with the great Amazonic trees.

Analog Forestry

Arbio is a promoter of Analog Forestry, a method of restoring the rainforest by copying its natural condition. Analog Forestry produces benefits such as the reduction of pests and the obtaining of organic products, in contrast with monocultures which only deteriorate the ecosystem quickly.

International allies

Logo MilkyWire
Aliados internacionales Global Footprint
Aliados internacionales IRF
Aliados internacionales IAFN RIFA
Aliados internacionales NonprofitPartner
Aliados internacionales Bluoverda
Aliados internacionales BNI
Aliados internacionales Nando and Elsa Peretti Foundation
Aliados internacionales WildFF
Aliados internacionales Probioma
Aliados internacionales be.earth
Aliados internacionales AmiGo Abroad

Peruvian allies


Fundacion BBVA




Innóvate Perú




Asociación de Guardaparques del Perú

Amazonía que Late




Logo Taricaya


Revolución Fungi

a Arbio

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