Our Team

Tatiana Espinosa
Operations Director
Forestry Sciences Engineer with a master’s in management and Conservation of Tropical Forests in the CATIE (Costa Rica). Has experience in the management and conservation of rainforests in the Amazon, as well as in climate change adaptation in Perú and Mesoamerica. Accredited by the International Analog Forestry Network as a trainer in Analog Forestry for the restoration of forests

Rocio Espinosa
Finances and Administration Director
Studied Food Industries Engineering in the UNALM and has a MBA in ESAN. Has experience in administration, finances, and investments in diverse areas. Coordinates the finance and administrative management of ARBIO’s operations from the city of Lima.

Gianella Espinosa
Communications Director
Studied Architecture in the PUCP, has experience in educational and home architectonic design. Professional photographer graduated from the Center of the Image, Lima. Great interest in linking art with the conservation of endangered ecosystems. Manages web tools and communication strategies.

Alejandro Cosar
Forestry Coordinator
Forestry Resources Administrator, with job experience in forestry technician in the production of forestry plants and nursery gardens. Born in Villa Rica, has military training and is an expert in combat swimming, orientation training, small boat handling, and chainsaw.

Nicoletta Zucconi
Content Editor
Studied Audiovisual Production and Animation. Has creative capacity for editing scripts and texts, as well as dominion over digital technology for editing of audiovisual material. Has been in the communications team since 2022.

Margarita Caller
Logistics Coordinator
Educator by profession, born in Cusco, with a great entrepreneurial vocation in the Madre de Dios region. Has experience of over 30 years in agroforestry, reforestation, and recovery of areas n 32 hectares in the Las Piedras district. Has been in the operations team since 2022.

Mario Yumbato
Senior ParkRanger
Field technician, park ranger with experience sailing and navigating Amazon rivers in north and south rainforests, identification of wildlife, and knowledge of buildings with rainforest materials.

Carlos Yumbato
Junior ParkRanger
Junior park ranger with experience sailing and navigating Amazon rivers, and activities in the Iquitos forest, as well as Madre de Dios.

Ronald Taboada
Manteinance Coordinator
Forestry Engineering student, born in Pucallpa. Has experience with forestry resources and tree inventories in the Amazon rainforest. Has been in ARBIO’s operations team since 2020.